The 2019-2023 generation, in second week of September was held the Propedeutic Workshop, whose purpose is to have an approach with the students that make up the new group, sharing the heart of the degree, the three pillars that sustain it: the academic, the attitudinal and the application of knowledge, life at the Moxviquil University and the forms of organization and coexistence among the student community.

From 14 to 20 of October academic activities begin, we still have spaces for you to join the new group, for more information Call 9676780542 and 9671650777.

It is important to bring the bachelor's degree closer to the communities, installing a headquarters that meets a series of conditions that guarantee its security and permanence, the town of Tierra y Libertad in the Municipality of Villaflores, will be a headquarters that has the necessary conditions of space, geographic location and community participation to promote the degree under a community model.


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